
How to remove Coupon Drop Down Virus on Google Chrome (Mac and Windows)

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Coupon Drop Down Virus/Add adware that you probably don't want on your computer. The Coupon Drop Down virus normally comes from installing files from insecure places such as spamming websites or websites that have been hacked. It fills your browser, in this case Google Chrome, with tons of their ads so that when you browse and accidentally click or view one of the ads, they get paid. I'm guessing you don't want that...

How do I know if I have this?
You would know if you had the Coupon Drop Down Virus if you see lots of text links that direct you to miscellaneous websites or seeing ads that normally don't show up. Most ads say under them that they are by 'Coupon Drop Down'

Steps to remove the Coupon Drop Down Virus:
1. Go to your Chrome Preferences
2. Delete all extensions that seem suspicious
3. They are good hiders but I have compiled a list below of some extensions they disguise as.
4. If this doesn't work I suggest removing all extensions on Chrome

List of possible Coupon Drop Down virus infected extensions-
Torrent Handler

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